This webinar series “An Introduction to Data Visualization and Display using R Commander” provides an overview of visualization using the R language’s superb graphics tools. R is a free, open-source language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, with an extensive collection of features for data visualization.  We will use both R’s native graphing capabilities and the tools in ggplot2, an R package that is easily installed. Our graphic user interface is a (free) Canadian product from McMaster University called “R Commander.”  This is an SPSS-like menu-driven GUI that allows access to much of the power of R graphics without the need for programming in R.  R Commander’s menu commands create and display the R code which you need.  In most cases you will use this code directly to create data visualizations.  Occasionally we will make some simple modifications or even write a line of new code.  We will run R and R Commander within the highly-regarded web browser-like interface “R Studio.” 

This series introduces users to the basic principles of graphing data, visualizing data, and effectively displaying data in documents and dashboards. The webinar series will be divided into four 2-hour sessions. Homework activities will be provided for practice between sessions.